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Meet Liat Gat of KnitFreedom

Meet Liat Gat of KnitFreedom

We’re thrilled to introduce a new collaboration with Liat Gat of, the video solution to all things knitting.

Ten years ago, there wasn’t much video instruction for knitting on the Internet, and what was there was mostly terrible. Liat was shocked at the low quality, the time-wasting, and the “Please-get-to-the-point-and-show-me-how-to-do-the-stitch-right-now”, long, rambling, and mostly blurry videos.

Fast forward to today and the Internet is filled with tutorials of all sorts of knitting techniques.

So why are we pairing with KnitFreedom? Liat’s videos are still the most clear, to-the-point, and enjoyable videos to learn anything knitting, and that’s backed up by her thousands of loyal fans and followers.

Come see for yourself! Her new Starburst Stitch tutorial is up on an iPad in the shop so you can check it out. In case you missed it, the Starburst Cowl Kit includes the Starburst Stitch tutorial. 

(Image of video)

Ready to learn more with Liat? Start by downloading her free guide to the Top 10 Mistakes All Self-Taught Knitters Make (and how to fix them FAST!) here.

Sign up for a membership to KnitFreedom and get instant access to all 450+ high-quality, time saving knitting videos to learn everything from cast-ons, bind-offs, toe-up socks, and more.

We had a chance to ask Liat some questions:

How long have you been knitting and how did you learn?

I've been knitting for 22 years now, ever since I graduated high school and picked up The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knitting and Crocheting. I worked through every page, made several scratchy scarves and a very "hole-y" hat, and never looked back. To learn more about my knitting journey including how knitting saved my life, check out How Knitting Rescued Me

What type of projects do you enjoy working on?

My favorite project is toe-up, two-at-a-time socks. I knit them every Christmas in super bulky yarn (Malabrigo Rasta) for my sister who has very cold feet in her cabin the mountains. Get the free pattern here

What in the knitting world excites you?

I love how connected everything is now! I love that I can open a blog post, learn about a new yarn, then get a text from a friend or an email from a customer asking about that same yarn or what pattern to knit with it. It helps me feel like I'm part of a larger community even when I'm sitting at my desk at my tiny home in Sayulita, Mexico. 

How big is your stash?

My stash is INCREDIBLY small. I “Marie Kondo’d” my house a few years back, and discovered I really didn’t need to hang on to most of my yarn. That includes some gorgeous skeins (purchased at ImagiKnit of course) that I had bought without a purpose in mind, just because I loved the squishy sparkly yarn. I do always keep various skeins of Malabrigo Chunky at the ready so I can make big, bright, relaxing videos with beautiful, visible yarn.

I also donated all my Addi Turbos in even sizes - I realized I only really needed US Size 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 ½, and 13 (40 or 47 inches long) circulars to do all my knitting. I also have a set of Signature Needle Arts stiletto tip straight needles in size 5, 7, 9, and 10 ½ that I couldn’t do without. I know that’s not really stash but I carefully curate my needles just like my yarn.


Get in touch with Liat by going to or emailing


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