Become a fan of brioche family of stitches. This intriguing and unique knitting technique produces irresistible, soft, 3-dimentional and reversible fabric. In this class, you will learn basic brioche in one and two colors. You will have a bonus material to take home for a chance to try some other simple brioche stitches. Among the topics covered in this class are: selvage edges, special tips on cast on and bind off, best yarns to use, reading a chart and instructions for brioche. Samples will demonstrate how to use it all for hats, cowls, scarves, and more.
Instructor - Faina Goberstein
Worsted weight yarn, in 2 contrasting solid or semi-solid colors
1. Practice the long tail cast on
2. With one circular needle and color A, CO 20 stitches and leave them on the needle.
3. Repeat instructions in #2 with color B and another needle. We will use both swatches in class.
Suggestion: In case you will need to start the swatch over, prepare another cast-on with the third needle (you can place stitches on a holder, if you do not have an extra needle).