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Tarot Readings: Free Sessions Sunday June 12

Tarot Readings: Free Sessions Sunday June 12

Join us on Sunday, June 12!

We're thrilled that Deb is back for another round of tarot reading sessions!  

Deborah Borne, MSW, MD (Serving with Two Hands) oversees health policy for people experiencing homelessness at the SF Department of Public Health. She is trained as an herbalist and energy medicine practitioner and uses these principles in her practice.  She's also a self-proclaimed 'maniacal knitter'!

Deb is doing amazing work to help the people living on the streets get through the pandemic. Her efforts have been instrumental in helping the city of San Francisco continue to have some of the lowest infection rates, hospitalization and deaths of any major city. Check out this Dec 20, 2021 SF Examiner article about Deb's work and the impact she's made in SF.   

We are proud that Deb is part of our knitting community and are thrilled that she does tarot readings at the shop. 

Readings are scheduled in 15 minute increments.  Register here to reserve your spot.  

The readings are FREE!

We request that you make a donation to the Homeless Youth Alliance, an organization near and dear to Deb's heart. It's located in the Haight Ashbury district and helps homeless youth and young adults (ages 13 to 29) build healthier lives. Monetary donations make a huge difference. The following demonstrates some of the power your dollar holds:

$8 – Legal ID for one participant
$35 – 25 pairs of socks
$100 – One week of supplies for every group HYA offers
$250 – 60 pairs of clean underwear
$500 – 33 sleeping bags
$500 – One month of medical supplies
$5,000 – Four months of healthy, nutritious food
$5,000,000 – A place for us to call HOME

****All of our staff is fully vaccinated. To keep our community safe, we require proof of vaccination for classes and workshops. Please check in at the register prior to class. As always, please keep your mask on at all times while in the shop. We'll get through this together!

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