This class will help you to take charge and be brave in case of making a mistake while working your project in basic brioche in one color. Interested? We will cover some important points and the rhythm of basic brioche knitting that help you find a solution of various problems. You will see how to fix a running stitch, find a dropped yarnover, use life line, deal with bowing sides, and most daring of it all: unravel rows and place stitches back on needle.
Instructor - Faina Goberstein
Faina Goberstein is an independent knitwear designer, author, and a professional teacher. Taking an early retirement from a long career as a math professor gave Faina a chance to let her creativity and long-time passion for knitwear design to become a second profession. She now teaches at live events and virtually for Vogue Knitting Live, Rowan Connect, Interweave Yarn Fest, and various venues such as guilds, fiber fests, and yarn shops locally, around the country and abroad.
Students must be comfortable with basic brioche knitting in two colors. This is not learning how to brioche class. If you would like to learn brioche, check out Faina's Beginning Brioche class!
Double-pointed needle
Locking stitch markers
1 yard of extra smaller in weight cord or yarn
Tapestry needle
Crochet hook size similar to needle size
Small stitch holder
Completed homework (see below)
Swatch #1: Basic Brioche in one color
CO 30 sts (including 2 selvage sts)
Set-up row: Sl1, *sl1yo, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.
Row 1 (RS): Sl1, *sl1yo, brk1; rep from * to last st, k1.
Row 2 (WS: As Row 1.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 for pattern until swatch is 3 inches long. Leave sts on needle.
Swatch #2 Basic Brioche in two colors
CO 30 sts (including 2 selvage sts). Slide to the other end.
Set-up row: (RS) Join B, sl1, *sl1yo, p1; rep from * to last st, k1. Turn.
Row 1 (WS): With A, sl1, *sl1yo, brp1; rep from * to last st, k1. Slide.
Row 1a (WS): With B, sl1, *brk1, sl1yo; rep from * to last st, k1. Turn.
Row 2 (RS): With A, sl1, * brk1, sl1yo; rep from * to last st, k1. Slide.
Row 2a (RS): With B, sl1, *sl1yo, brp1; rep from * to last st, k1. Turn.
Repeat rows 1-2a for pattern until swatch is 3 inches long. Leave sts on needle.